Specular map input in nodes?

1 most of the materials are wrong for what im doing (cycles and or would require a complete rebuild)

2 i need advise on how to get the effect im wanting (have say a cinnamon brown base tone with rose or orange highlights)

Look into using color ramps based on a normal vector as an addition to the usual Diffuse/Specular


What happened to my thread 0_0

can i get a copy of that blend file?? im at gmail dot com if you could do a direct email

sorry about the threadjack but this has been driving me nuts for a few months now.

of course im going to land up needing Cotton and Linen materials so your burlap question is a rougher version of mine

-_- its ok, still need suggestions

@roberlux - just copy the settings I have there, that is just a quick setting on a subsurfed cube, no real plan other than using your description

nice settings.