Speedmodelling entry: Star Wars Imperial Shuttle


This is my entry at a local speedmodelling contest.

3 - hours. Didn’t finish this one as you probably can see. But that’s
my limitation today. Yet another go another time.

Very nice for 3hrs. Cockpit looks a little long, although I assume you used references, so this might just be me.

Looks suitably like a plastic model!


Very nice modelling job. I especially like the lighting. Is this the internal renderer? What kind of lamp setup did you use?

Great job for such a short period of time!


I like it especially since it was done quickly. Dont really know if u want c & c sooo u should have just thrown on a quick texture before the contest ended.

Great modelling man. Any chance of texturing this up?


alicopey158: Thanks! Yeah… It seem a bit too long, oh well. And yes…I did use the blueprints for this one.

kentboyle: Thank you. It’s quickly rendered with Yafray and cached pathlights as Blenders Ambient Occlusion would be too grainy and too slow to reach my deadline in this particular situation. There are also 3 light sources.

Cerberus: Thanks. Yeah - I really REALLY wanted to do textures on it, but unfortunately
the time was up, I had to “throw - in” the last details in the few minutes before the time
was up. Of course I could have finished it by cheating - but that just ain’t me :wink: I have
to do better next time.

BgDM: Thanks man! As for texturing, yes and no. If I am to texture this one I would
have to re-model the whole thing from scratch, the reason for this is due to the nature
of the speedmodeling contest - I sometimes do “quick-and-dirty” solutions in order
to meet deadline and finish. My priority was to at the very least - to finish the model
itself. Close - but no cigar for me (as for finishing it…but the competition is still on
so who knows…maybe it wins…maybe it loses…anyway - speedmodeling is fun!) :slight_smile:

(btw - I’m watching your vampire project with great interest - especially the texturing phase).

What do you mean by cached pathlights. I have never heard of them before. I also did not know there was another way to model other than quick and dirty :wink:


When you go into Yafray rendermode in Blender, you´ll see a small
menu ticker that says “Cache”. Try pressing it - and you´ll see some
other settings appear. It´s like rough estimation of shadowareas and
dithering inbetween them + diffuse (I´m not sure as I´m not remotely
aware of the math involved here)

But the whole story is…you can get INCREDIBLY fast GI-rendering
with excellent shades that can surpass Blender´s Ambient Occlusion
in both speed and quality if you TWEAK the settings there.
It comes with a pretty good setting already - try it!

Nice job man. I love the design Lucas gave those things! You really should finish this and maybe put it in a scene. You really got a nice model to work with.

True, there is potential behind this.
For a moment I though it was X-Warriror’s job. :wink:
Good work

You guys are too kind :slight_smile:

Such kindness must be rewarded with compliance - so I’ll complete it.

The cockpit is too long.

Otherwise this is excellent.

@Dittohead - yeah…corrected!



There will be more details on the final image, working on the environment now.


That is just awsome. I’ve been lurking on these forums for a long time, and I keep starting tutorials, but they all have different approaches. I don’t even know where to begin.

I used to use wings3d quite a bit. What I liked about that was that it had a specific focus, and I just used box modelling techniques. I don’t have much interest in creating organic models, I much prefer the likes of the craft that you created here.

Anway, to the point, I was hoping that you could post some sort of a workflow or tutorial of the steps that you went through to create that ship. Not a complete step by step, but just an overview. Do you start out with a cube and then just start sub-dividing and extruding? Do you use alot of blenders built in shapes? I would really appreciate it if you could provide enough info to get my through this paralysis I have being faced with so many choices. Many you just have a link to the modelling technique that you use?

Anyway, thanks alot, and it’s cool too if you don’t have the time to get too detailed, I won’t take it personally :wink:

Thanks in advance.

Hi Lakcaj,

It’s a very universal and difficult question to answer but I’ll try my best.
I have been modeling for many years, before Blender I used 3dstudio Max but switched
to Blender as I thought the workflow was better modeling wise, but thats just personal
taste I guess.

The reason why I am mentioning my “history” here to you… is to make you understand
that there are litterally hundreds of approaches that you as an 3d-craftsman will
encounter and then you will build up your personal toolset so the next project you’re
working on - you’ll have a huge toolset (in the mind) to choose from.

On this particular model I chose to use the “cube/box” as a starting point,
I tend to model the whole thing in one go…meaning that I seldom use a lot of
different primitives - I can however do that if I’m strung for time such as in a
speed-modeling competition. Various primitives are excellent starting points for
modeling certain things. Example: Want to model a turret? I’d use a cylinder for that
and model the rest of the details by extruding and edgelooping to add details.
And of course - a big thing to learn is to learn how the smoothing / subdivision
curves work. Meaning… if you place 3 vertices…you should know how these
will subdivide into 5…and where the “average” for that curve is. That will give
you awesome control over your items shape etc. It takes a long time to get it right,
even though I have many years of CG experience…I am still a NOOB in many ways.
Learning from everything - all the time. Man…I sometimes wonder if I will ever
get it right …

Hope that “guides” you somewhat into what you wanted to know.
My best advice is to continue the tutorial ride - and try to solve difficult issues
and stick by them until they are solved. The different difficult obstacles is what
“sculpts” you into a powerful modeler. (hm…sounding like a smartass already…sorry
if I come off as such…hehe)

Anyway - here’s a mock-up of the coming scene:

i think vertice #3448 is off by .000105 blender units. other than that it’s perfect.


OMG!!! You’re right - Vertice #3448 IS way off. I’ll correct it straight away.

Thanks :wink:

haha, man that looks good! Can’t wait to see what you do with the texturing. You could make a sweet animation with these. :stuck_out_tongue:

I haven’t seen it before. Really great modeling job JoOngle. I’m also impressed after after viewing 3rd episode of Star Wars. I wish i haven’t time for blender lately.

Good work!
Darth Vader would be proud to fly one of those.