Spiderman: Into The Spider-Verse - Miles Morales Fan-Art

By now, most of you probably already heard of Spiderman: Into The Spider-Verse, if not already watched it. I can say that this was one of the best animated films I have ever seen, the animation is just WOW.

I did a fan-art of Miles Morales, the main character of that film, with a 2 part time-lapse on his creation. Part 1 is on the sculpting, modeling, retopology, rigging and posing.

Featured thumbnail

Part 1:

Part 2 which will come soon is about texturing and creating the materials with some EEVEE rendering, so make sure to subscribe on the channel if you want to get notified for its release. For now, here are some renders!

Which is your favorite?

Render 1:

Render 2:

Render 3:

Happy New Year!


m inspired now!!
video is awesome…cleared my few doubts related character posing!!

I like the second most, except I think, his left hand it bit hidden to much behind his body. Great job

You’re #featured! :+1:

PS: I added a (hidden) square cropped image for a better thumbnail.

Lovely work, Yan. Do you have a tutorial on your rigging process, (including the method for rigging the multi layers of clothes!)? If not please do one - would be really helpful! :smiley:


I love your art!
could you share the techniques of lighting the 3D character?

That’s probably fresnel shader effect (the light at the edges)

I can’t wait to watch part 2! This is some fantastic work!

I featured you on BlenderNation, enjoy :slight_smile:


Glad it helped clear your doubts :)!


Thanks! Yeah i like the second one as well :slight_smile:


Not in that depth, in the future hopefully :slight_smile:


Thank you! I use an hdri, some back and front lights nothing that fancy.


Lights on the edges come from the back lights as well.


Thanks and it is already out if you haven’t watched it yet :wink:


Thank you for the feature Bart :smiley: !


Really like this i even watch the movie know the art keep it up. :wink: