Spiderman texture? (the web)

Hi, I’m currently working on a Spiderman project,
and now I’m going to texture it, so what is the best method to texture the web?
create from curve and convert to mesh? or paint it? (I don’t have tablet pc so it’s quite difficult to paint it)

here’s the current progress, not really accurate model and texture, I’m still learning afterall, u guys can help me too on improving the model :slight_smile:

nice model. Texturing in PS/Gimp is the best option. You can do the same in sculpting as well (using alphas). Using curves is another option, make sure you are changing normals (Ctrl+T : Hotkey) when ever you like to change direction.

thanks sir,
i can’t do sculpting with hi poly, so I’ll try with curve, thanks for the tips with Ctrl+T, I never know it before, :slight_smile: