Is there any addon to give thickness to lines in Blender, I don’t want to give bevel depth.
there is also an extrude option for curves which only gives 2-dimensional thickness
Sorry I read now the complete request… but if you have many spline you can use a setting for one and then join together all to the one with bevel depth, this transfer the bevel to other when are joined
Hi, here done now, to do this I imported the image into Blender as a background and then I used the command from the object menu convert and then selected bitmap trace to Grease Pencil, after which I converted the Grease Pencil object in poly curve,and finally I used the modifier shrinkwrap into a sphere as target, attached you will find the file with everything, for now I can provide you with this, I have other things to do and I can not do anything else.
here the blend file with it as an example
Sample-wrap.blend (379.7 KB)
However with a little bit of curve correction, the result can be better.
Thank you Brother
I am new to Blender, this technic really helpful
Once again THANKS