Sponge and patrick minion

hello folks, sepsyan is here :slight_smile:
I just created my own minion

take a look,

I think minions have the same color as spongebob, so I combined them and make sponge minion, and then I add patrick minion as his best friend.

I used blender 2.68RC and yafaray 0.15 for rendering

why yafaray?
I don’t have a powerful GPU to render in cycles quickly and I hate noises everywhere.
I have to render this in 2560x1600, it will take forever in cycles

yes, there are so many bugs here and there and yeah, this is not my final version minion.
I don’t have a time to make it complete.
so I decide to say this a final version :slight_smile:

I put it on CGMeetup minion contest
here’s the link

Lol i like! Nice character design!

thanks shaquan :smiley:

Awesome. The best of all the minion renders I’ve ever seen on these forums :yes:


but, there are alot of good render in there :slight_smile:

nice work!