Spring on a Hill

Heres the full render of my entry for the latest weekend challenge!!! I hope you like it. :wink:

And of course the version I submitted to the challenge:

EDIT: oh, and here’s a .blend http://www.mediafire.com/?ttznkznzz0l


Great stuff, really nice, would you be so kind to offer your model at BlendSwap.com. I know the community would appreciate it.

I can never upload models to BlendSwap.com…my browser crashes. If somebody could d-load the blend, and upload it for me, it would be great :wink:

Mokazon, what browser are you using? If you are willing to do some trouble shooting for me we can try and figure this out. Or I can just upload it for you. Your Call.

Mofx: I’m using firefox…I’m not really sure if the problem is firefox though…It would just be easier for me if you upload it for me :stuck_out_tongue: Just remember to say I made it :wink:

btw, your name is Matthew? Mine is too! :smiley: \m/

boy… blenderguru must be proud xD