Spy Robot

That looks really good man! Very robotic and stealthy. Can’t wait to see more!

thanks, please guys I need criticism

Finally, I’m done with the upper arm. Tell me what you think. The pyramid is for the reflection


I think you should work a bit more on the black metal material, it looks too dull and plastic. I also think the pistons could look a lot cooler, try searching google image search for “Hydraulic piston”. The torso looks better now. Where the arm connects to the torso, in that hole, you should add a cylinder that that smaller cylinder plugs into to.

thanks man. I will work on the black material. Have any idea how I could give it a more metal look while still keeping it black. Thanks again

You might want to try a tiny bit of reflection on it to give it that metallic look. And maybe mess with the different types of speculars for different results!

Since someone told me that the arm looked boring(which I can see now) I decided to redo the joints. So I guess criticism helps a lot or I’d still have those boring joints.


Where can I find tutorials about making different metal textures?

Google has all your answers =D (not trying to be mean) Just add ray mirror and set gloss to 1.

I’ll eventually get to wires, but right now I don’t want to just put then around just for no reason. I’m trying to build it as in real life.

Anyway, here’s a little update. Right now I think the lower arm looks like it could use some coolness so if you have and ideas please share. The screw at the side is because I’m making it where it have many different arms and it can choose which one it wants. Sorry if I get on you nerves by posting every little update, but you gonna have to deal with it.



The forearm is way too long compared to the upper arm. Either shorten it or make the upper arm longer. As for coolness, you could try making some compartments, and adding more lines and things. For making cool metal textures, best is trial and error, I suggest you check out the material respitory and look at how some of the good metal materials are made, or tweak them to your own tastes.

For the forearm you could do something similar to what I’ve done on my Johnny 5 model.
Its similar to how you have it but with plates removed so you can see the internal cogs motors etc. Looks quite good and easy to do :slight_smile:

So I shortened the form arm and added a little style to it. C&C


really cool. The modeling and design concept are great. lots of details without being too noisy to look at. looking forward to the rest.