Spy Robot

So I decided to give it a try and here’s what I have so far. I quite happy with what I got but I know it will get harder. Please help me as I make this.
This is a spy robot used for spying, duh


wow thats really good! i cant do this stuff! i suck at modeling faces! lol

i really like the mask!

not crits

Stealing my idea eh’? Hah, I’m modeling a stealth assassin ninja robot btw. Anyways, I would recommend building the parts as seperate mechanical pieces that screw together. Make him less organic looking, subdivision surfaces work great as you’ll want a lot of detail, and they help keep the polycount low. Also, you’ll want a lot of sharp edges, select the edges you want sharp and press shift+e to crease them, and hit 1 to give them a full piece. Think of how it would mechanically work in the real world. You have metal frame parts, with wires, and metal and plastic pieces, that are most likely screwed or welded together. Also consider your joints and how much range of motion you want, and how are they driven. If they are driven by a motor, you need to include room for a motor so that it will feel right, use pistons to power more crucial joints like in the arms and legs, that need to be strong and powerful. each piston needs a tube coming into oppisite sides to pump air or hydraulic fluid, and need to goto an area with a pump. You don’t need to model a pump, but maybe model fluid tanks, or air intakes.

I would recomend before adding detail to block out the whole think using rather primitive shapes, and work out all the mechanics before adding detail. Then detail and make custom parts. You’ll want to model a lot of detail, as detail really makes things look cool. Model wires, bolts, exposed mechanical parts.

For the vents in the face mask, I would recommend duplicating an elongated cube a few times. Also, spend some time searching the internet and looking at all sorts of different robots.

lol quixotic, you start with “stealing my idea eh?” then proceed to tell him exactly what you’ve done lol. Want him to steal it much? :stuck_out_tongue:

I like the face start, although it does look a little too organic. Are you going for a cyborg or a robot? If you mean cyborg, you can typically get away with more organic shapes as long as there’s a clear definition between organic and mechanical.

I like the mask too, reminds me of the cyborgs from mortal kombat.

Ninjitzue: Well his mask idea is very simular to mine, and I stole a bit of my design from Scorpian from Mortal Kombat. I don’t care if he steals my idea, as my mind is an idea factory, and I have a thousand more ideas. Cyborgs are cool, but not as cool as androids.

Every good robotic humanoid should take cues from mortal kombat. Well, that and Darth Vader! He’s like the chuck norris of cyborgs.

I agree, but I also think every good robot should take cues from http://www.fengzhudesign.com/ that dude draws some of the coolest robots I’ve ever seen!

Thanks for the link Quixotic. About making edges charper, in the back head of the robot I made a ridge, but that ridge is very soft. Now does that work to?
I did think Sub Zero when I made this. I’m thinking of giving him a cyborg looking right eye, and a normal left eye. The right eye will do all the work when the left eye will just be a flashlight.

It’s been a while since I’ve posted anything. But here you go. I got a head and a body now. I’ll post some more later on.


Here’s another one. Please tell me what you think.


Hey… this is progressing nicely. Reminds me of something from the old “Black Hole” movie.

At the moment, you have everything smoothed off, so it looks very plastic / non metallic. You might like this look (retro), though I’d want more of a hard look to the mouth grate, ear cylinders etc.

The “secret” is to define hard & soft edges, and to control them with appropriate looping. You can achieve it to a point with the “autosmooth” angle based operation, but people who spend the time to hand control hard / soft edges tend to do a better job (although it takes forever).

For every hard edge, have three edgeloops.
The faces themselves should be set hard, but the edgeloop running down though the bevel should be smooth, so light gleams off it nicely. See the difference on a cube where I have made each edge into three, applied soft to everything, and then applied hard to the main faces to flatten them after…
In Maya it’s easy to set (and show) hard / soft to edges as opposed to Blender’s face dominant approach. The crease tool is pretty close to what Maya can so in this regard.

Hope you understand what I am saying there. Basically, don’t soften everything… make flat faces hard, but have soft bevels separating faces as there are never any true hard edges when you get close enough.

Thanks, that’s very helpful. Just tell me where to find everything and I’ll be fine.

Great too see some updates on your robot! I don’t know if you’re going for it, but he’s looking kindof cute with the shiny red material. I’d recomend using a veroni texture mapped to the nor and spec, and scale it, so it’s pretty small. You should make the vents have holes, so they have a purpose, like letting excess air out. Do something else with the middle of the torso besides the cylinder, too iron man. He’s looking a lot better now, but very cute. He looks like he’d be some kids play buddy.

thanks, I was gonna make holes in the vent, but I’ll get to that later. I’m still thinking about the chest…just have no ideas right now. Yes, he does look cute, darker colors and some rust might fix that.

I tried something else with the torso area since it looked way to simple. The reason the colors keep changing is because I haven’t decided on one yet. Tell me what you think


it should be like a light sky blue.
looks really nice so far

Here’s my plan for the arms. They will look better when I’m done.


Here’s an up date


Oh my gosh!!

This looks amazing… :slight_smile:

Here’s an update. I think the coloring will look like that, but this is a rough draft. Tell me what you think
