Squishy ball simulation

Hello guys,

I want to create something similar to this render image (created by David Brodeur) but I cannot figure out how as I am new to Blender and to the 3D world.

The main problem is the purple object and how to make it behave the way it does on the photo. I tried something using the soft body physics but it didnt work out. If you know how I can achieve this please in a simulation form let me know.

Thank you :grin:

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That looks a lot like the Entagma Volume Denting Technique.

I would guess those purple sphere nuggets have their scale/shape altered, per-element. You could model it using the free version of Houdini Apprentice, then export the result, from the tutorial as a .OBJ file that Blender can render.

You can simulate a simple sphere, turn it into a soft body. Then apply the MeshDeform modifier to the high resolution “Hero” organic sphere, which does not participate in the simulation. Point the Mesh Deform modifier to the low resolution softbody and it can act as an animated lattice to deform the hi-res final object. This allows you to simulate at a lower resolution.

Shown here is an animated force, pushing the sphere forward.

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I will try what you suggest out and see!! I appreciate it so much :smile: Thanks again.

Here is a blender made version with dupli verts and dynamic paint for incrustation. Shaded for eevee.
If you want to animate it you ll have to freeze some stuffs.
the differences in-between the encrusted stones are managed from displacement world space modifiers.

and the Blend : Incrusted_Blob.blend.zip (2.9 MB)

Happy Blendum


It’s a dual mesh

You can help yourself with Tissue addon, just read on…

Yes you are right, tissue addon 'll be more appropriate for the generation.