sRGB Integer to linear calc

I often find sRGB integer values in the net ,without a picture from that color, that i could pick up with a colorpicker.
Then i had the idea, to make a simple sRGB integer input nodegroup,there i could put in the values i have found.
Since we use sRGB as Display mode,i have to gamma correct the values before,that way i can see the sRGB values in the Materialpreview and can pic it up.
I have build a second gamma correction,for the case i want to display the values as linear with the sRGB Display mode selected.

the node group

edit,i added the sRGB output without gamma correction

the node group

Cool idea – thanks for sharing.

I am glad you find it usefull,thank you

I made a reduced version.Since we need only sRGB and linear values,i deleted the gamma input slider for simplisity.

The conversation is :
• first output : the Integer values as there are,only converted to float point
for example (128/255) = 0.5 float

• second output : the Integer to float and then gamma converted to Linear float .Usefull if the RGB values are sRGB and you want to convert them to linear values.

• 3rd output : Integer to sRGB gamma conversation.Maybe usefull if the RGB values are Linear and if you want to convert it to sRGB.

the node group