SSS Suzanne

A few renderings of Suzanne with SSS.


great…she’s gone from plastic to wax. how thrillinzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Just for comparison, here are two renderings without SSS.


Cool. Highlights not only the effect very well, but also how well this shader has been implemented in Blender. My only concern is that I would have expected her ears to have been more lighter (given they are thinner). Perhaps it is because the ear is closer to the ground and more affected by shadows.

PapaSmurf, if Suzanne is boring you perhaps you should ask the developers to remove her from Blender. Personally I think doing tests like this is her only purpose in life.

Do you mean like this? :wink:


Yummy… looks like butterscotch…:yes:

Heehee… backscatter is so fun to play with… Btw, how did you get the volumetric spot light?

Yes - like that. Cool, was wondering whether it was just the way the SSS was implemented, but assuming you have shone the light evenly on the back of Suzanne (i.e. not focussed extra light on the ear), that is exactly what I was hoping to see.

Is it just me or has the tests forum been flooded with SSS tests?

This is one of the nicer ones, good job.

turn on Halo in the light settings.

it does seem to be all the rage.

thatsss becaussse sss isss ssso much fun :smiley:

Here’s my SSS suzanne:

dude, i must have 3500 pictures of suzanne with sss. many of them in blender, many in indigo, many in gelato. my ones from indigo however turned out strikingly similar to those you have here (although very grainy because i only have it half an hour).

Tynach, that’s not only a great sss render but I love that material you’re using there.
Care to inform us how you did it?

Panzi your first renders look very good but it seems to lack depth. it’s probably a contrast thing.
Maybe it would work if you mix the sss image with the AO image.

I’m hoping that one day, people will realize there’s more interesting ways to test new features then using Suzanne. Flame me if you want, but I just don’t like that stupid monkey much.

For once I support CD in this one… she’s just a joke that got quite out of hand…


CD, if you want to post silly textures all the time nobody is dissing you but you just can’t stop being such a dickhead can you?

It’s just a matter of time. For a very quick test render I use a default mesh. Nothing fancy. And because Suzanne is there and because she is a bit more complex than e.g. a cone, I use her.

Vliegtuig: I could’ve guessed someone would make a comment like that as a result, but I just never liked that monkey, not since I started using Blender.