SSS testing

Ok, first of all, I’m using the spotlight buffer shadow technique to do this.

So this one is actually a test of many things.

  1. SSS
  2. UV mapping textures. My first actual UV texturing job. I am proud of this :stuck_out_tongue:
  3. mowhawks.

Same thing applyed to a buddah and dragon:

And this one, I dunno. Just some shape I came up with. Played with the light colours a bit.

I guess I’ll post my other ones too, while im at it. (intended for wallpaper)

Enjoy :slight_smile:

I like the last 3 images which look like jade. Did you do that effect completely in blender or with an external renderer. I’m curious how you did it. :slight_smile:

That jade looks ~good~. I am interested in settings as well.

double the last to posts :wink:


I want some settings
thumbs up

the same

…The attempt at faking SSS in Blender is quite popular lately…

of course it is! its one of the last frontiers…

id still love it as a shader of its own more, though. but well have to do wuth what we can/have :slight_smile:

id still love it as a shader of its own more, though. but well have to do wuth what we can/have

amen to that, brother! Are they working on an SSS shader? It would be nice for it to work with all lights, and then have a direct link with Yafray SSS shader.