Staircase fitting around a curve

Hi all.
I need my staircase to follow around the side of a mountain object, intuition tells me using curves would produce the best result.
But blender rotates the stair object on its axis like this, causing an unwanted result:

I need the stairs to fit the curve, but I need them undeformed for the best result.

I’ve tried using an empty axis before to great effect, but I’m not making a spiral staircase.

you could use a curve modifier and snap the curve points onto the mountain surface.

Yeah, but where the actual curve is doesn’t matter too much, I can align it to the mountain later, I don’t think I made that clear. I need the stairs themselves not to be shifted on the curve, as in image 2.

I need the iterations of the stair object to follow along the curve, but only their Z axis should be rotated.

I don’t mean the curve modifier axis, however, as here:

sorry i thought this should work, but i think it isnt that simple.
maybe this helps:

The problems is you used a 3D curve “fitting the mountain”… for best result use a 2D curve (and also 90 degree rotated on Z) to specify the “ground layout”… The rising are done by the array modifier (relative Z=1):


Damn bro, thanks.