Standalone + textures?

I’ve searched the entire forum and nothing could tell me why my textures are gone when I make a standalone of a game, wather the blend is packed, unpacked, the textures are in the same dir or in a sepperate (textures) dir, I Don’t Know…

so I came here, back home, to BA.
anyone? :smiley:
cheers :smiley:

remember that you must pack the textures before, and then, save the file?!

I certainly have. no use.

How do you pack the textures? Put them in the same folder or something?? This is a problem I have experienced too…

You pack textures by pushing the little package button.It is in the Texture - image tab. You can also pack/unpack in the uv map screen.

Then after you have packed them you just create the standalone exe. Alright gotcha :eyebrowlift:

Remember to switch to textured view before you make the runtime too. otherwise the texture won’t show.

I’m not sure what you mean with Texture - image tab…
I’ve tried packing them with the UV thing, and with the File menu. nothing seems to help.
the files are not missing.

It’s a little present looking button. Hard to miss. It’s to the right of the file thing.

if you mean the hover-over, yes it says my file is packed.

He’s meaning next to the image name in the UV Map window.

The easiest way is to click File > External Data > Pack into .blend file

I have and it doesn’t solve the problem.

This is a very strange problem. I have not tried to save a run time yet, but I’m beginning to be discouraged from trying…


Well, it works for me!
Post a blend, maybe?!

This happens here with some textures.
But in this case the console say:

Detected GL_ARB_texture_env_combine
Detected GL_ARB_texture_cube_map
Detected GL_ARB_multitexture
Detected GL_ARB_shader_objects
Detected GL_ARB_vertex_shader
Detected GL_ARB_vertex_program
Detected GL_EXT_separate_specular_color
shaders not supported!
DDS: not valid; header follows
Flags: 0x04360000
Height: 2621440
Width: 8388608
Depth: 65536
Mipmap count: 8
Pixel Format:
Flags: 0x6E6E007D
FourCC: 'n ' Bit count: 1414791264 Red mask: 0x49490054 Green mask: 0x40400049 Blue mask: 0x38380040 Alpha mask: 0x31310038 Caps: Caps 1: 0x2B2B0031 Caps 2: 0x2626002B DDSCAPS2_VOLUME Caps 3: 0x21210026 Caps 4: 0x1D1D0021 Unknown fileformat DDS: not valid; header follows Flags: 0x04360000 DDSD_MIPMAPCOUNT Height: 2621440 Width: 8388608 Depth: 65536 Mipmap count: 8 Pixel Format: Flags: 0x6E6E007D DDPF_RGB DDPF_FOURCC DDPF_ALPHAPIXELS DDPF_PALETTEINDEXED4 DDPF_PALETTEINDEXED8 FourCC: 'n
Bit count: 1414791264
Red mask: 0x49490054
Green mask: 0x40400049
Blue mask: 0x38380040
Alpha mask: 0x31310038
Caps 1: 0x2B2B0031
Caps 2: 0x2626002B
Caps 3: 0x21210026
Caps 4: 0x1D1D0021
Unknown fileformat
DDS: not valid; header follows
Flags: 0x04360000
Height: 2621440
Width: 8388608
Depth: 65536
Mipmap count: 8
Pixel Format:
Flags: 0x6E6E007D
FourCC: 'n ' Bit count: 1414791264 Red mask: 0x49490054 Green mask: 0x40400049 Blue mask: 0x38380040 Alpha mask: 0x31310038 Caps: Caps 1: 0x2B2B0031 Caps 2: 0x2626002B DDSCAPS2_VOLUME Caps 3: 0x21210026 Caps 4: 0x1D1D0021 Unknown fileformat DDS: not valid; header follows Flags: 0x04360000 DDSD_MIPMAPCOUNT Height: 2621440 Width: 8388608 Depth: 65536 Mipmap count: 8 Pixel Format: Flags: 0x6E6E007D DDPF_RGB DDPF_FOURCC DDPF_ALPHAPIXELS DDPF_PALETTEINDEXED4 DDPF_PALETTEINDEXED8 FourCC: 'n
Bit count: 1414791264
Red mask: 0x49490054
Green mask: 0x40400049
Blue mask: 0x38380040
Alpha mask: 0x31310038
Caps 1: 0x2B2B0031
Caps 2: 0x2626002B
Caps 3: 0x21210026
Caps 4: 0x1D1D0021
Unknown fileformat

Of course I don’t use shaders. My video card dont support shaders.
All my images are png… some work and some don’t.
Pack into .blend file ¦ Save ¦ Save game as runtime.
Perhaps this can help… if some one know what this means.
Thanks you.

Hi Jacco,

What version of Blender are you using? Is it 2.47 or an SVN build? Are you using the download from, or from somewhere else? What operating system are you on?

If you can’t provide a .blend, can you tell us whether you have either Blender Materials or the GLSL Materials turned on?

Edit: That’s some strange output, Sualc. Can you also tell us what version of Blender you are using, etc?

It seems blender is having trouble loading the DDS textures, can you try to resave all the texture as tga, and see if the error still occurs?

Blender version 2.47 downloaded here:
I’ll try to convert all textures today, then I’ll write here the results.
My hardware: P4 1.7Ghz, 1GB Ram, GeForce 2 MX/MX400 (old video card, I know)

What is DDS textures? Seems a compresion system… or like this…
What I found here don’t help me too much…

Note: In Blender when I press “P”, all textures work fine. It’s in the runtime when some are “losed?” … Thanks for yours answers.
(Again, sorry for my bad english, french and spanish are better here)

blendenzo: 2.47 downloaded form here:
My hardware: P4 1.7Ghz, 1GB ram, GeForce 2 MX/MX400 (I know old video card)
OS: W2K (because work better here with a lot of aplications I have.
mpan3: I’ll try to make all my textures as tga. I’ll post the results here

Note: All textures work fine when I press “P”.
Only in the runtime I have this problem.
In Blender, some times it lose the texture map… then I need reload it…
The texture name is there, the image also (UV image editor), but the object maped is white. I reload the map and all is good again…
(Again, sorry for my bad english, french and spanish are better here)
Note 2: I posted one reply like this one before but seems isnt here… I hope don’t to see both of my replays here. If yes, sorry.