Star Child -- My TRAVELLER RPG Starship

Star Child” was originally created in 1986 for the Traveller: Science-Fiction Adventure In The Far Future Roleplaying Game.

I have always had issues concerning the Deck Plan Rules for Spaceships within the Traveller RPG Rules.

Star Child” is a 200-Ton Starship Design that is based on the World War Two Medium Bombers.

Traveller RPG Deck Plans Rules

one of my interpretations of the Traveller RPG Deck Plans Rules

A-26/B-26 Invader WW2 Medium Bomber that “Star Child” is modeled after

To create “Star Child” with the Traveller RPG Ship Design Rules, I created a set of rules that I called the “Multi-Drive” Rules.

The Traveller RPG Ship Design Rules assume that the Spaceship Propulsion System will be like that of the Apollo/Saturn V Space Vehicle; or, like that of the Star Wars Star Cruisers.

My “Multi-Drive” Rules for the Traveller RPG Ship Design Rules assume that the Spaceship Propulsion System will be like that of the Star Trek Starship “Enterprise”; or, like that of the World War Two Medium Bomber the A-26/B-26 Invader.

Star Child” has 2 Drive Sections; and, each Drive Section has its own Fuel Tank System. These Propulsion & Fuel tank Structures form the Wings of “Star Child”, as they do on the A-26/B-26 Invader.

Everything else on “Star Child” is in the Main Hull Section; which, is the Fuselage Structure of the A-26/B-26 Invader.

Star Child” is a Streamlined Starship; meaning, it is aerodynamic for Atmospheric Flight.

My “Star Child” Deck Plan Drawings aren’t focused on the Aerodynamic Streamlining of “Star Child”; but, are focused on the Tonnage Space based on the Traveller RPG Deck Plan Rules “14m[SUP]3[/SUP] = 1.5m1.5m3.0m = 1 Ton”.

Thus, at this time, my “Star Child” Deck Plan Drawings has no representation of the Atmospheric Steamlining Structure.

At this time, I have yet to master Animation with Blender; thus, this Posting and the Next Posting will feature Drawings of the “completed” “Star Child”.

Star Child” still needs some work done on it; but, for the most part everything is there.

Front View

Side View

Top View

Bottom View

Top Angle View

Bottom Angle View


Because I am interested in Real Life Spacecraft Design, I had created a Real Life “FLOWER CHILD PROJECT Manned Spacecraft Design Concept”; which, actually was inspired by my original “Star ChildTraveller RPG Ship Design Activities.

This version of “Star Child” isn’t my Original Design for “Star Child”; but, it is my most current attempt at creating “Star Child” using the Traveller RPG Ship Design Rules.

Star Child” is a Fictional Starship designed for a Roleplaying Game System; thus, “Star Child” isn’t a Querin’s Laboratory Project.

My FLOWER CHILD PROJECT is a Querin’s Laboratory Project; and, uses the translunar Apollo/Saturn V Space Vehicle as the Prototype Model for a New Manned Spacecraft Design Concept.

Thus, using one of my FLOWER CHILD PROJECT Drawings, I decided to compare the size of “Star Child” with the size of the Apollo/Saturn V S-1C Booster.

DRAWING #1: Apollo/Saturn V S-1C Booster Side View – “Star Child” Top View

DRAWING #2: Apollo/Saturn V S-1C Booster Top View – “Star Child” Front View


The “Star Child” VS Apollo/Saturn V S-1C Booster Drawings use a different measurement scaling for “Star Child” than my “Star Child” Only Drawings.

To speed up the Drawing Process of “Star Child” in the Apollo/Saturn V S-1C Booster Drawings, I did some mathematical calculations of the “Star Child” dimensions; instead of, building each and every Ship Section by counting out each and every 1 Ton Volume per Ship Section.

For whatever reason, there is a discrepancy between my “Star Child” Only Drawings and my “Star Child” VS Apollo/Saturn V S-1C Booster Drawings concerning the dimensions of “Star Child”.