Star Trek vs. Star Wars. who would win?

if you put all of the Star Trek universe against the Star Wars universe, who would win?
i think Start Trek would win.

  1. Abrasive armor that would make the ships nearly invulnerable.
  2. Trasphasic torpedos (capable of destroy a Borg cube with one hit.)
  3. Q!!!
  4. The borg would adapt to almost anything.

Star Wars Kid. Hands down.

Gimme a break, the jedi would totally destroy spock…

Amen to that


You nerds!

I guess I’ll have to say Star Wars though…

and species 8472…

ask lucas and paramount to make a crossover chapter. Chubaka will bash the head of species 8472, Q will join the sith and spoke & yoda will come out of the clothet as gays and move to san fransisco saying they want to experiment a bit of “mental fusion”. That will be a nerd fest.

all Q would need to do would be to snap his fingers and FLASH!! no more Jedi/Sith.

On one hand, the Federation will probably be badly injured while trying to be diplomatic about it. But from what I’ve seen, the Federation’s weapons are more powerful than those in Star Wars. If the Borg begin attacking the Star Wars crowd, they’re doomed. Luke will be assimilated. Data and C-3P0 will have a pleasant chat and with a little luck R2D2 will get in the way of a phaser blast. Jar Jar will be captured and taken to a Federation insane asylum, screaming, “Mesa not as stupid as yousa tink!” Then Q will appear and start driving Darth Vader nuts. The Ferengi will show up and start trying to make deals with the Empire, and the Cardassians will come and try to blow both groups to smithereens.

And then the Vogons will show up, and… oh, never mind.

i think data would rip C3PO in half.

omg… this is the funniest thing iv ever read… :smiley: :smiley: :o

I don’t like star trek, it’s always the same. A travel > something happens > captain or another crewmember solves it > captain commands everything from his seat > happy ending warp 10 >>> Bwaargh

Star Wars, never the same, always some good action fightings and cool enviroments and animals. The enviroments in Star Trek are as fake a what, ugle, the animals/aliens always look like humans, While in Star Wars everything has an another shape, from small to big sized impressive aliens. Star Trek ships are boring while Star Wars ships are quiet complicated and such. I like the Star Wars story a lot more then the Star Trek story, for me Star Trek is a really cheap space movie, fake, always the same and really boring. :-?

I’m looking forwards to the last Star Wars movie, the trailer was quiet impressive, all the action, aliens, soldiers, whow I’m curious. :smiley:

this is not a connversation on story lines, its on who would win.

what does Star Wars have ?
A large battle station that destroys planets and makes for good target practice.
Large ships that can’t manuver and has weak points that stick out like a sore thumb and have one hell of a blind spot.
Oh No!!! tiny little fighters with very little if any sheilding.

HEY HEY HEY, no matter how bad your Star Trek crap is, the Death Star can blow it to smithereens.

You also go on about great armor in Star Trek. Hello??? Lightsaber???

how exactly expect jedi or sith to go some how grab onto a ships hull in space? in the heat of battle?
The death star can only fire one beam at a time, and it takes time to charge the weapon, Transphasic torpeados would destroy that thing in a matter of seconds. and the Borg would adapt there sheilding to the modulation of the death star beam.

no shield would help you if youre laser guns make sound! in SPACE!

Star Trek is just gay, that’s why Star Wars would win. 8)

you say that because you cant think of any advantages that Star Wars would have over Star Trek.

No, he says that because Star Trek really is gay.

what about it is gay???