Star Wars AT-ST

Yeah, I animated the walker from and the f-curve for the up/down motion of the body looks more like a sawtooth than a sine wave. Lot’s of side-to-side motion, too.

Nice work, Gredin. Can’t wait to see it finished.

Steve S

Figured I’d toy around with lighting and camera angles.

Mesh is finally done! :evilgrin:

The bad normals you see have been corrected… Next step is texturing. I don’t have much experience doing this before so I think I’ll try out texture painting. Seems useful.

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Looking really nice, Love a good Star Wars thread!

Well. Here’s what I’ve got so far:


Not really happy with it at all. Any suggestions on how to make these textures look somewhat realistic? I’ve tried playing around with the glossy and diffuse shaders but I can’t seem to get it right. If it helps here’s my generic metal texture node setup:


Any help is appreciated.

Awesome! Looking forward to seeing this as it progresses. Keep us updated. :slight_smile:

Haha thanks everybody. :slight_smile: I slumped into a frustrated depression when I couldn’t manage to make any progress with the textures so I’ve been taking a break for a few days while I did some character sculpting. Will probably take another crack at really learning to texture tomorrow. :spin: Now’d be a terrible time to give up, after all.

This model turned out great! And yes, tackle those textures.

gg good work man