Star Wars Battle Droid (Detailed)

I’m working on a project for video production class. In the video, my friend is going to have a lightsaber and fight cgi battle droids. I already have the special effects and sounds for the lightsaber finished. I already have some experience implementing 3D objects into real video, so I’m not worried about that. The hard part now is making the droid look realistic, and animating it.

Here’s my droid so far. I have most of the modeling done. There’s still more 3D details I have to add. After that, I’m going to make a scratch bump map, with areas of bare metal showing through. It’s currently 24,886 faces.

Tips and/or crits are very welcome, because honestly, I suck at renders. I mainly use Blender for the Game Engine. I have already devoted lots of time to this, and I’m willing to put as much time into it as needed. I want to make this the best video anyone has made for my class.

Very Nice! will look good when finished i think. Do you plan on rigging it?

I hope you have the 1st 3 star wars movies for reference on how the droids actually move. Obviously Ep 1 is the best to look at since they are the main droids in that one… I hope you spend some time studying the motions of the drois in order to replicate them accurately.

Have you uploaded the finished effects somewhere i would love to see what you have done already.

Awesome job!

Thanks guys! I’m in the process of rigging it now. It’s a little difficult for me, because each bone must be limited to a certain axis of rotation. I’m also using IK, which further complicates it. I’m not a master rigger, so it’s taking me a while to figure it out. But its working well so far.

@DDD - I’ve been watching episode 3 for reference. There really aren’t many good shots of droids in it. I do have episode 1, but its on VHS, which isn’t super helpful because its easier just to put the episode 3 dvd in my computer. I’m not going to need the movie for reference much anymore, since most of the modeling is done. And I haven’t uploaded anything. I think we’re going to make an infomercial for a lightsaber for another smaller project. If we do that, I’ll upload it

References needed. Some elements looks like they were modelled from head.

@FAE - What parts exactly do you mean

I added textures and bump maps. It’s not unwrapped very nicely because I just used smart projections. I’ll unwrap it better after all the modeling is done. Here’s two shots of my current progress

HD closeup. The bump maps look way bumpier in HD. May need tweaking

Full body render