Started modelling my first Star Wars space ship - Republic Frigate.
The ship is almost done, just missing bits and pieces here and there then textures. Then onto the rest of the scene. Perhaps a hangar or something.
Hope you guys like it!
Started modelling my first Star Wars space ship - Republic Frigate.
The ship is almost done, just missing bits and pieces here and there then textures. Then onto the rest of the scene. Perhaps a hangar or something.
Hope you guys like it!
looks real nice so far…look forward to seeing more
would love to see it in a good environment! Looks cool, keep it up
yep good hangar… and it will be awesome add more details.
Nice start…
thanks guys, a little update I’ve decided to add a lot more details to the ship first. And that’s not done obviously. lol
oo nice site, been reading that forum’s gallery everyday, those people are good!
Here is some updates Enjoy!
here’s another update with more greeble added
I have a question, can someone tell me how to achieve this kind of lighting? I still can’t figure out how those guys did they lighting for the ships. Is it just one giant “sun” source or pure AO, 3 point lighting or a combination of all/some of these???
Thanks in advance
Strong light from one side diude… it is easy… just look on the photos… what you see?? very bright one side and other side totaly black…
thanks, let me try that