Hi guys
I’m trying to learn making clothes… Or at least how to use cloth modifier and get not so shitty result
This is what I can make so far… Well it’s not much but it’s better than nothing
Any advice or criticism? I’m looking forward to it
Hi guys
I’m trying to learn making clothes… Or at least how to use cloth modifier and get not so shitty result
This is what I can make so far… Well it’s not much but it’s better than nothing
Any advice or criticism? I’m looking forward to it
It’s lovely, especially the lace fringe. How do you keep the skirt from falling off the model? That’s always my problem when designing pants.
I dont know if it is exactly your problem, but you just pin the vertices and set them as pinned in the simulation.
In the case of this dress, i imagine you can pin a complete edge loop on the belt. Then ofc need to adress the weight, gravity effect etc.
A basic tutorial with only 2 points pinning.
Thank you And yes all you need is to pin vertices. Just add them to vertex group and enable pinning in cloth tab.