Starting a new project

Hello guys, I have been using blender for almost 3 to 4 months now and have been able to create some basic models from a 2d sketch to 3d model, but now I’ve started on anew project and the design I’ve made is slightly complex for me to do it. I’m not sure how to exactly do it but I’ve tried a couple of modelling methods I know but still in vain I’m not able to create it. I really do hope someone can give me an idea on how to start nd how to make those surfaces easily, I’ll be the attaching the image below.

Hello, do you have some other views? Because one unique view is probably not enough to correctly understand the shape


I’m sorry but no, I only have this sketch that I made, I just wanna replicate the side view into a model 3d model, the reason being that this is the process we have to follow, after making a box model in blender we will have to take it photoshop to generate other ideas and modify the shape(also please do give your opinion on whether you understood the sketch and the contour lines properly because I have just started learning and would like others opinion too…)

Yeah, this isn’t really enough to give useful advice IMO. I don’t even know what your object is supposed to be.

Professional 3D artists work from a lot of references, showing the object from various different views. If they do their own concept art, they make more than one sketch, again, from different viewpoints, with different angles, so they can display all the important relationships and proportions of the object. A 3D object exists in 3D space, a single 2D sketch cannot encompass that.

So that’s what you should do before modeling. If you’re following a teacher who doesn’t stress the importance of references, they’re not a good enough teacher, sorry to say.


The best is probably to work with a Mirror modifier and some extrusions along normals but again, it would be better to have more informations, if you only use one reference image, at least show the object in perspective?

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The problem is: you can “read” this because you imagine this youself… but noone else could… if you don’t visualize this in any isometric/perspective view this could be anything… for example:

…or totally not… because you meant it more slanted to the top… and different beveled…


Thank you soooo much for helping but I wish I had read this message bit sooner.

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