Startup file-Maximum size?

Hi everyone,

In order to facilitate the configuration process of the open source 3D human anatomy atlas on which I work (, I configure a portable version of Blender 2.93.3, by adding a ‘config’ folder inside the 2.93 folder, along with ‘datafiles’, ‘python’ and ‘scripts’, pasting the userprefs inside, adding the ‘’ in the ‘scripts’ folder and saving it in the preferences by opening Blender, then Edit>Preferences>Import; and ‘Save user preferences’.

It allows me to integrate the customized shortcuts needed to navigate through the collections easily and the userpreferences.

I would like to set the file as the startup file but every time I save the ‘z-anatomy.blend’ file as startup file, Blender crashes on opening. It is probably due to its weight (191Mb), because it works just fine with lighter file.

Does anybody know if there is a workaround?

This atlas of anatomy would have more success if it could be run in one clic after downloading and dezipping the file.