Well, I’ve started with the engine. Though I’ll admit it might be a little to clean for a diehard steampunk. I’ll se what I can do about balancing it out with a slightly more rugged airfoil etc.
This just sort of came to me… I ignored it… then it came to me again… and now it came round again and I was in the right place to start something.
So I was thinking that I didn’t completely like the wing… a little to modern and such. so I decided to add another wing… The cockpit is still a mystery… let alone the other plane parts.
It looks aazing so far, but one thing, it almost feels as though it’s upside down. Like the wing should be on top with the engines underneath. It just looks kinda odd.
But other wise amazing stuff man. (I wish I could do stuff like this!)
Looks great so far (i love those engines!), but i agree with maul2, the centre of gravity should be below the wing, not above, unless you want the thing to crash every time it flies!
I’d push those little propellor blades forward a bit, so you can counter rotate them, which might require a large clockwork gear or two sticking out of the engine fairing…