Steampunk Airships WIP

A couple more updates. I have a feeling I may be getting too detailed…


You cant get “too” detailed. Well… in terms of your computer’s processing power i guess you can, but not the point.
Details are what make the images stand out. Real life ships have loads of different individual parts from something as large as the gas filled balloon part to as tiny as a screw, tho more details you put the more realistic your model will be. The trick is to ass only as many big ones that are clearly noticeable and fake the rest with textures… with infinite computing power the best model would have all the details imo.

But yeah looking good

Deforming the balloon gives it a sense of weight.

I know what you mean by too detailed. If you still to the concept sketch then most of these details will not be noticeable, which would be a shame. Are you sticking to the concept sketch or are you going to bring it forward?

love the ship by the way.

Amazing work dude, I’m loving this so far. It has just the right amount of detail around the rotors, and I can’t wait to see the finished result. Good luck!

Things have gotten a little hectic recently and I haven’t had as much time. Here’s an update on the cabin area. I’m going to be playing with the sizes of the windows and doors a bit. I’m also not happy with the main (curved) windows, but that can wait until after the competition. I’m running out of time! Any suggestions in this area are of course, appreciated.

That’s something nice. I’ll try to keep an eye on this.

I don’t think it’s set in just how screwed I am yet. In any case, here’s an update:

Very nice looking ship!

A couple more:

Look great, like others I feel the more detail the better. Should look great once you start adding textures. Do you have plans to animate it?

This looks really cool, I think it’s really coming together.

Yes please, animate this scene once you are done!

Silly goose, no one ever animates in the forum! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

The propellers will be animated for motion blur in the image. Maybe I’ll do something more with it down the road, but right now, I have to focus on one thing at a time.

Looking good! Are you going to add more ties to the balloon? It’s not looking very attached at the moment.

Great model! cant wait to see it textured.

That is a really good looking Cloudship. One suggestion would be to throw a tarpaulin over the balloon but under the two wires going over the top, and have several ringlets in it, and have a lot more wires attach to that to distribute the weight of the ship along the balloon.

I know what you mean about having more ropes, but I kinda like the balloon straining against the weight of the ship. It kinda goes along with the story of the ship itself. (The idea is this was an existing water-ship that was heavily modified to fly. Everything’s just kind of thrown together, and it’s fairly weathered and battered from a long journey)

I started texturing, though there are a few things I want to add yet to the model.

It looks really odd having the stand-in clay shader and the realistic shaders together.

Added a few more materials:

That rope at the front has solved the problem for me :). Textures looking good so far!

Another update:

I’m not as good with texturing, and I’m not completely happy with how it looks. Any constructive suggestions/critiques are very much welcomed at this point!