Steampunk Timemachine

Hi guys

I finished my timemachine :slight_smile:


I like it very much, however I would expect the workbench wood to be dirtier and more scratched/dinged up. Just the idea that this time machine was a work in progress and caused the shope to be a little used.

I agree about the work bench and would go a step further and see what other elements could do with a bit of wear or grunge. Also have another look at the floor texture the wood grain scale makes the hole thing look like a model.

However overall I love it :slight_smile:

The finished projects section is looking really good today. Great image! Maybe it needs more dust?

good work, but i would increase the size of the wall’s texture, it’s looking to “scaled up”…secondly a bit od DOF would really increase the realism, and finally some dust refracting light were the sun is entering would give a “dirtier” look to the rendering…in any case, compliment!

Really cool looking machine :slight_smile:

The lamp looks like one of its legs are floating.

Thanks for the reactions guys :slight_smile:

Ill try to change the textures of the table and ad a bit of dust.



This is a great render, very well modelled, there are two things that I feel need changing to make it top notch

  1. Add a Depth of Field, only a slight defocus, just to seperate between foreground and midground.
  2. The wood floor texture might need a bit of reworking.

Apart from these I really like it and it’s aparent this took a lot of effort to get every last detail in there :slight_smile: