Stegosaurus head critique

Based on it’s skull and planes of the head of humans.

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Hi, I think the ears are too big. This way, it looks more like a kangaroo or deer. The ears of a stegosaurus are almost not visible, just little holes or something.

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Yepp this seems to be is a :kangaroo: … a stego might have also this horny beak… See also wikipedia: Stegosaurus → Skull

The skull’s low position suggests that Stegosaurus may have been a browser of low-growing vegetation. This interpretation is supported by the absence of front teeth and their likely replacement by a horny beak or rhamphotheca.

On the other hand who said stego can’t have a long tongue to grab plants…?? (Gras is actually a relative new/young kind of plant.) … Or big ears to listen to…

Oh now i get it: Are you trying to reinterpret the appearance of a stego by using the forensic approach of reconstruction a victim head… or more the artistic approach to draw human heads?

It was an artist approach to sculpting the head, not a forensic method.
I didn’t know it had a beak like part on the front, I missed that. My reference of the skeleton with the skull is a drawing from the late 1800’s. Found on the wikipedia. Same page you provided I believe.

I gave him a stylized design and then sculpted it. Then revised it after restudying the planes of the head. Because I found some animals and lizards can be rendered following same rules of planes of head. Similar rules.

Ahh yes i see… you know there i some very intersting “scientificily correct” skeleton recontruction paleo art on deviantart ? Just this for one for example…