Stereoscopic viewport viewing in Cycles -- not really working in 2.8?

Here is a Blender 2.8 file set up for Cycles:

Stereoscopic test in Cycles.blend (715.3 KB)

I have set this to render in stereoscopic 3D. If I have Viewport Shading turned on and look at the 3D viewport in EEVEE, I can see an anaglyph preview just fine. If I switch to Cycles (it doesn’t matter if I use the CPU or GPU) – again, with Viewport Shading turned on – the image bounces back and forth, as if Cycles is drawing the left image, then right image, then VERY briefly combining the two as an anaglyph image, and then repeating that sequence indefinitely.

I tried turning down the viewport sampling to a very low number, but it doesn’t seem to make any difference.

Is this a bug? Or is there a trick to making this work (other than using EEVEE until I’m ready to render)?

Please report it. Must be an OGL issue.
I´ve done stereo since 2.78.

OK, I’ll report it.

FYI – here’s a GIF of the behavior I’m seeing.


Bug created here:

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yeah, thanks for reporting. Not normal at all
What is trying to do, is pipe through cycles the normal representation of the scene, while light cache loads, it´s cancelled by the ogl representation on stereo. But since light cache is trying to rebuild (on the cycles representation), gets reset and the view glitches.
It´s a timing thing. Fixable. Hope your report gets through.

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Will there be a fix for this ?

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