I tried both suggestions that were made… adding Import Blender 210 as Blender at the beginniing of the script… and changing the script command:
getCurrentscene() to getCurrentScene()
I still keep getting the following error:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “C:\PROGRAM FILES\BLENDER\objimport.py”, line 164, in callback
File “C:\PROGRAM FILES\BLENDER\objimport.py”, line 106, in testObjImport
mesh = Blender.Mesh(“OBJ”)
AttributeError: getCurrentScene
Am I just using too new of a version of Blender??? What gives and what do I need to correct here? I am a COMPLETE newbie to python so you’ll have to really explain things here…thanks!
I got yhe OBJ import working again sweetly! I tried the same fixe with the LWO import and this is what I get:
“LightWave 3D Object File Format” found
numPoints: 20234
numFaces: 16656
import into Blender …
triangles and quads …
all other (general) polygons …
Then Blender crashes with a illegal error… any hints on this one???