Still life scene

Hey guys !
this is my latest personal project a still life scene, i always loved still life photos so in this project i wanted to try and create something like that, all the modeling/texturing/lighting/rendering was done in blender 2.80 and post in photoshop .
for more details: .

render 01:

render 02:


nice work !!!

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thank you !

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dat look gud!!!

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You’re #featured! :+1:

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That looks good, but I have a question:

Why majority of CG still life scenes contain so much dust around glasses or wine bottles? Sure if someone is putting those bottle there they would clean the bottles. When I google still life on food, I rarely see any images with dust/grunge on wine bottles or glasses.

Like, everything in your scene is almost clean, but why so much dust on the wine bottles? Even if they are brought from a cellar, they woudl make sure to clean it first, won’t they?

Just a question.

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Really nice work.

A small note: In compare to the bottles the other elements are very clean. You should decide what you want: A clean mood or a dirty mood. Both can be nice. But currently the (very) dirty bottles are disturbing the scene a bit.

But don’t misunderstand me. It’s still very nice work. :slight_smile:

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yeah i may have gone overboard with the dust, i thought making it clean would look too boring so i decided to add dust but i obviously overdone it a bit

Nice work overall. Does the pear intersect with the silver plate, or is it just me?

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I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!

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thanks, it’s not intersecting it may look that way because of the bounce light from the plate

thanks Bart !

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Awesome work, congratulations!
As an oil painter I appreciate especially how realistic you have modeled the grapes, the dry-diffuse and the wet-glossy areas of the grape surface.
Some other grape types have a half-transparent skin, so they are like a diffuse lense where the light inside gathers at the opposite side of the light entry. Here you could see the shadow of the pits shining through. I think cycles could perform a great volumetric render with these properties.

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i would put dust on mine, because it’s fun, you get to play with more interesting shaders, it gives plain objects interest and tricks the brain sometimes to add more realism.

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really awesome piece of work… ? how many samples are you using for this result.?

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thanks ! i used 640 samples i’d use more but it takes too long to render

Did you make the displacement map for the vase or was that a texture?
Very impressive work btw!:exploding_head:

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thanks, i sulpted the details on a high polly withalpha textures then baked into a normal map

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Ok thank you