Stone age man with blue eyes

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Tiger meat? Eww. Tough, stringy, gamy… Give those poor folks some nice antelope or rabbit.

Nice render. :wink:


Story Update: "The Summer had filled the plains with antelope. Shuka spotted an adult limping. Sprinting, he sunk an obsidian-tipped spear into the animal. The clan, all watching, roared as one. "

As you can see in the render, I added a slight smile/smirk shapekey. (The new MH doesn’t seem to have a face rig (boo)) That’s the look of a man who is on the right side of hunter/gatherer.

The Summer filled the plains with antelope. Shuka spotted an adult limping. Sprinting, he raced toward the lame animal, which turned to face his obsidian-tipped spear with his horns. The clan, all watching, gasped as Shuka nearly got gored and fell to the ground. Their gasp spooked the anterlope herd, and they all ran away, the lame antelope limping along behind the main group, but still protected by several of the other male antelopes. “Next time,” thought Shuka, “I’ll leave the clan at the riverside camp, and use my atlatl.” :wink:

I like that. :eyebrowlift:. Maybe I’ll model an atlatl and set some keyframes and see how well the MH rig deforms in real time.

Now that’s the farthest thing from an orchard that I ever saw (inside joke) :slight_smile: The blue eyes are both odd and intriguing at the same time. I wonder if his eyebrow positioning needs to be lower. His hair came out great.

I’ll be interested to see how your MH tests come out.

I did model the orchid Harley. It was not good. Shameful really.

Story update:
“The couple, stuffed with uncooked antelope and sun dried rabbit, headed to the watering hole to sip with the zebras. On the walk back it began for Shuka. They were bad. Really bad.”

It always seems that renders of humans are always alone. So I gave shuka a companian. Thanks to the makehuman team for making this quick two-day project possible. I hope I did MH justice by not posting the typical T-Pose, default texure, no gloss, no SSS, look-what-I-did render. It’s a couple, some hundred thousand years ago, and one just ripped a fart.

  • The zebra photo I took myself at Lion Country Safari in Florida.

The blue eyes don’t match as well as the hair,lighter eyes generally come with very tropical areas.In extremely warm areas humans generally had thicker hair with shorter curls,Sweat gathers in the hair to provide better cooling for the brain as well as acting as a type of aid in detecting the direction of the wind.

This was a few hundred thousand years ago, just after an ice age, in a different species, so all that doesn’t apply. These guys had blue/green eyes and hair just like the render. :wink:

I hear you though, but this project’s been moved to my ‘foo’ folder, where blends go to die.

The article says that the blue eye gene was a mutation in a gene first appearing around 10000 years ago near the Black Sea. The guy you are doing a model of was carbon dated to between 10000 and 5000 years ago. I’m not aware of any evidence to say that blue eyes were around a few hundred thousand years ago, admittedly I haven’t looked very hard. :slight_smile:

Yeah, I’m sure you’re right. This was more about testing out the new makehuman uvs, and having fun with a bit of story, and not at all about any kind of historical or physical accuracy. The truth is that early man, around 300,000 years ago, looked exactly like this. So unfortunately we may never know.

*glasses obviously just copied on from google images.