Stop interface panels from joining together when edges line up?

Anyone know how to get my interface panels to stop sticking to each other when the edges just happen to line up? I’m sick of having to collapse one of my side panels, reopen it, and fix all the settings (Sidenote: Why tf does the Outliner not save my view settings when I close it? Having to re-turn on every single view feature and collapse every collection every time is annoying as hell.) just because the edges happened to line up when I was moving around while working, but can’t find anything in the settings to disable it.

Even just a shortcut to be able to separate them again would be amazing.

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Agree… if there exists a way I’d like to know.

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I want to know as well, and I’m pretty sure there’s no option for it since the setting should clearly be on the interface tab.

The easiest option I see for now is creating another area and joining one of them so they dont line up

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