Hi, I’m very new to blender and this is my first attempt at animating.
How can I stop two keyframes from tweening together?
For example, I’m animating an egg wriggling from side to side. There is then a short pause before it begins wriggling again. I need there to be a pause with no motion, but the last keyframe from the first wiggle is tweening into the first keyframe of the second wiggle.
You can set various interpolation modes for added keyframes. The default is bezier, this you can change in the user preferences.
You can see the f-curves in a graph editor window
I agree Richard, but won’t changing the interpolation method will affect the rest of the animation? By changing to linear mode won’t the rest of the animation be jerky? Bezier curve placement points also have associated control points, called “handles” in the Graph Editor, and these can be manipulated. These handles dictate the portion of the curve over which the placement point has an effect. Look at the picture below:
I have selected the placement point plus its control. If you change the left handle type to “Free” rather than “Aligned”, or “Auto Clamped”, you can then move it to be coincident with the placement point (select it then key G X > drag it), thus making sure that the placement point does not affect the curve to the left of itself, as in the picture below:
This portion of the curve is now straight as it approaches the placement point, we have introduced a “discontinuity” to the curve making it almost NURB in form. If you repeat this both ends of your “Still” phase in your animation, the object will remain in a state of rest here and will still move smoothly for the rest of its animation.
“Tweening” what a wonderful explanation of the complex mathematical definition of a Bezier or NURB (Non-Uniform Rational B-spline) curve’s control points and their effects on the curve.
Cheers. Clock.
I forgot so say that the same procedures apply when constructing either Bezier or NURB curves as meshes in the 3D view - this can be very useful to achieve discontinuities in these curves.
I agree Richard, but changing the interpolation method will affect the rest of the animation. Bezier curve placement points also have associated control points, called “handles” in the Graph Editor, and these can be manipulated. These handles dictate the portion of the curve over which the placement point has an effect. Look at the picture below:
You can also use the additional interpolation modes and the different easing options as shown in the previous link
I said that I agree with you - having read all of your linked document however, I can find no mention of moving handles to make discontinuities in the curve - have I missed something somewhere?
Oh ya, if there is a pause with no change/pause there should be no movement by default. The curve will be straight… The curve will be straight? Now I confused myself again.
A straight line is in fact a special condition of a curve in that all the points (there may be two, or up to an infinite number of them) happen to lie along a single vector. In any other locus, the points do not lie along a single vector and appear to you and I as a curve. You can calculate the position and orientation of any of these points, along with the infinite number of intermediate ones, by using Calculus (Thanks to Isaac Newton - Read Principia Mathematica) to plot these points based upon their X and Y coordinates from a cartesian coordinate system, and therefore determine the shape of the curve in-between known points. Any non-linear curve can also have straight sections, provided you have catered for discontinuities within its mathematical definition, this is particularly true of NURB curves. To achieve a discontinuity, you must first move one of the control points for a known vertex on the curve to be coincident with the vertex itself, or coincident with the resultant vector created, that way the vertex has no influence on that side of the curve and therefore this section will be straight until acted upon by another vertex or control point thereof. In fact the curve has a radius of 1/infinity at this discontinuity, which will appear to us as a fold or sharp corner.
A circle is also a special condition of a curve, given that its definition is; “The locus of a point who’s distance from a second point remains constant”. The only way to resolve the length of that locus is by using Calculus, this is why the exact value of pi can never be determined since you must take an infinite number of points to resolve the figure - this, of course, you cannot do. A circle is in fact a regular (meaning equal-sided, equal-angled) polygon with an infinite number of sides of 1/infinity in length. If you clump sections of these sides together into single vectors, for example six equal sub-divisions of the total number - you will have created a hexagon.
So curves can be straight and sharp corners have a radius equal to the reciprocal of infinity, does that make things any clearer?
Im saying jaxtraw is correct and trying making a joke at the same time.
No. I will need to read that one or two more times at least. But it is slowly sinking in.
Sorry - missed the joke first time around…must be getting old and slow!
On a serious note - if the F-curve is straight between to points were the keyframe values are the same, the objects will not move - I think that is what hyannah wanted. BTW what happened to hyannah have I put him/her off by all this maths stuff?