Stop Unicorn from tilting while going down the slide

Hi All
I hope someone will be able to shed some light on my problem. I animated my character ( Unicorn Chess Piece ) to follow a Nurbs path down the slide, which was fine, but it tilts while going down the slide. Ive tried straightening the unicorn up in edit mode, but it doesn’t do anything.

Also I want 3 unicorns on the track, I duplicated it and the actions, but how do I get them to start at different times?

I’m hoping this all make sense.
Any help would be much appreciated


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You can try using a follow path constraint in combination with a rotation constraint:
(the various axes settings depend on your specific setup):

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Total aside that doesn’t answer your question at all, but I used to have a toy just like that when I was a kid. Rather than unicorns, it had little penguins that would ride the steps up to the slide.

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Hi Lordofthefleas
Thanks for your reply and advice, much appreciated, I’ll check this out thanks :pray:t2:

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Hi Renzatic, yeah that’s what it’s based on lol

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Hey Lordofthefleas your a genius it worked perfectly thankyou :pray:t2::+1:t2:

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