Stopping the adding of a cube

Ah ok, not gonna write that for you, but here is an example.

position_list = []

def build(cont):
    own = cont.owner
    spawner = own.scene.objects['spawner']
    if not position_list:

    if not spawner.worldPosition in position_list:
def add_object(cont,spawner):
    own = cont.owner   
    last_added = own.scene.addObject('Cube',spawner,0)
    spawner.worldPosition.y += 1.0

in this case, the list only stores location of the cubes you have spawned, so you can use it later.
but this is basically the basics to add cubes in a straight line.

You can add an in range() check to add squares, but to keep it around the player is a completely other story.
best is to look into resources, should be some scripts there ready to go. for example: dig world problem