Good day can i ask if this simulation is made from blender
I doubt it
or can this simulation done in blender?
It seems like it is a particle fluid simulation. So theoretically you could do it in Blender. Blender’s particles can be affected by wind, though I never tested how fluid particles react to wind…
Good luck,
Luca Rood
thanks for the advise. IF you have time can you test it? but i’ll try my best to tinker around with this.
I am currently quite busy with my addon (P-mh driver), but as soon as I have some time I’ll give it a go. I am actually very interested in particle fluids…
i just checked your addon and it’s awesome and thanks for your interest for particle fluids. I hope you can help me with this thank you.
Thanks, I just released a new version of my addon!
I am currently out of town, so I am working on a laptop, you can imagine it gets pretty hot with heavy simulations and renders… But as soon as I get back to my desktop, and have a break from my addon, i’ll definitely try the “particle fluid with wind” thing out. Keep this thread updated with anything you manage to get with your simulation!