Strange Fluid Sim behaviour

Hello, fellow Blender artists :eyebrowlift:

I’ve got some strange problems with the fluid simulation:

My fluid looks like this for the entire animation.
It’s even more strange, that the baking only requires about 7MB memory, since my obstacle object is very complex:

The fluid is supposed to come out of the hole in the wall.

I already tried different domains and because nothing was working, i just left it as a simple cube:

I’m really stuck at this damn simulation. It’s like the only thing, that’s missing in my scene.

No enough info to go on.

Please supply a blend file that shows the same effect. Delete all unnecessary objects to simplify the scene first.

I didn’t know, what else to say, so here’s the file with just the necessary objects:

Your fluid resolution is way way too low. You need to make this much larger and/or make the opening for the fluid to flow down wider
In the domain settings the viewport display is also set to preview, change to final so you can see what you’ll be rendering.

Also apply the scale for the obstacle object (Ctrl+A) and increase the inflow initial velocity to create more fluid

Modifications to widen the path of the fluid, increased inflow speed and resolution set to 300 for quick baking (increase to what you can get away with)

I had to recalculate the inner normals of the obstacle, in order to make the simulation work. I really don’t know why, but it’s fine now :yes: