strange lines on a mesh

this image shows a problem i am having after importing an obj model into blender. i have found a load of dotted lines, solid lines and wedge shaped surfaces that have appeared on my model. i have tried to go into edit mode to delete them but they disappear in edit mode. i hoped they would not affect the final render, but instead they appear on it. how do i delete the beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeping things? thanks.

These look like they are caused by having very long and narrow triangles. It might help if you showed a picture of the whole object.

Problems like this are expected if you insist on modeling in sketchup and then importing the models into blender

i only insist on modelling in sketchup because this is a model i have already made and it would be difficult to make again. i have checked the original sketchup file for the long thin triangles but there are none and they do not appear in edit mode in blender either although they are certainly part of the mesh you can see in that picture. they are “real” though because they appear in the render. any thoughts on how to get rid of them? thanks.

Attach or post a link to an example blend file. Just a screenshot 90% of the time is pretty useless on its own.

i’m just trying a re import of the skp file through obj. if this doesn’t work i will upload the blend file soon ( if it is not too big!).

when i select the mesh the lines are not outlined in orange/yellow but when i select the lines the mesh is. does that help? thanks.

… Have you tryed ‘remove doubles’ yet? I’m sarting to think that the reason you only THINK they are dissapearing is because that is what is going on here.

As to the ‘outlined not outlined’ thing. this is very very indicative of doubled faces of some sort. the lines are part of your mesh. As such, by clicking on them you are selecting the mesh. Outline shows the whole outline, so if there are parts of the mesh behind them (and there would be if we’re looking at additional edges that arnt part of a face, or even size ‘0’ faces) outline wont.

it crashes when i try to remove doubles is there another way?

edit mode, select vertices. a for select all W, Remove doubles. there is also an entry for it under the Mesh -> Vertices menu

bloody hell blender keeps crashing every time i try to do anything with the mesh. it is here please advise me on how to sort it.
the file is refusing to upload
please help

Try selecting small groups at a time and “remove doubles”

I would then suggest that you go back to sketchup and break your model into smaller parts. Export each one individually, then import into blender. clean them up then append or link the smaller parts into a larger model

i sort of ended up doing that with sketchup and parts, it worked in the end.