Strange question: Texturing along a coordinate axis


I’m not that amazing at texture wrapping and I’m trying to get better.

I’m trying to get a texture to work along one axis but distort along another, I know this sound weird but I’m trying to emulate a corrugated card effect.

At the moment I have your standard node setup. enter image description here Please ignore the scaling, I’m doing using this effect along different sized parts and rather than scaling the UV’s it seems easier to scale the texture.

I can’t sadly share a blend file as the work is pretty NDA heavy but I can provide a photo of the file and a reference for what I’m looking to replicate :slight_smile:

You can see how the IRL image the corrugate is cut thus giving the impression that the effect is stretched around the edge

enter image description here enter image description here

Any ideas would be greatly appreciated :slight_smile:

I didn’t get what you are asking for…if you want some streching on materials try doing it in vector coordinates and change bump and normal to non color…or urwrap it properly and scale along the necessary Axis

The idea is that the material stretches in the second axis as it moves along as if the material was actually corrugated similar to the reference imagery. I believe that the UV is unwrapped correctly as I can’t think of another way to unwrap it. The UV is scaled down intentionally so that sizes can be kept consistent from UV to UV with ease.

Try smart uv unwrap and than strech