Hi guys I’m modelling something in blender and it all looks fine in edit and object mode, but strange diagonals and triangles…
Edit mode :
Render mode with weird tris:
Any suggestions?
Hi guys I’m modelling something in blender and it all looks fine in edit and object mode, but strange diagonals and triangles…
Edit mode :
Render mode with weird tris:
Any suggestions?
This is normal
Blender only renders triangles so it triangulates your mesh at render time. Any non planar faces will therefore show these visible triangles if you are using flat shading
You can use smooth shading and mark selected edges as sharp and Autosmooth or an Edge-Split modifier
See http://wiki.blender.org/index.php/Doc:2.6/Manual/Modeling/Meshes/Smoothing
Yeah I understand that, is there any trick for avoiding that when working off reference sheets , do you always have to manipulate two vertices at a time?
do you always have to manipulate two vertices at a time?
Don’t understand this reasoning. Manipulating 2 vertices at a time won’t mean you’ll always have planar faces and hence no triangles.
is there any trick for avoiding that when working off reference sheets
Just model against the references and deal with the triangles when complete. If you select a group of faces an set them to smooth shading they won’t show the flat triangles
You can work with squares, ngons or tris… but all is always rendered in tris (triangles).
Meshes however can have flat or smooth shading on. Maybe you prefer smooth.
There’s really a billion answers to your question - and a billion questions to ask you in order to give the right answer.
But it appears that you’d just need tome more time with 3D rendering in general and things will make sense. You can make things look any way you want, but you need to understand how these things work - and that is too much to explain here