Strange view artifacts with large scale object

Blender v2.81.16

I noticed strange artifacts in viewport when I imported large STL objects. 1st I thought something wrong with STL file. After some messing around, I think it’s a bug.

Screenshot below is the default cube scaled up 24x with face orientation overlay.

face orientation off, MatCap

scale at 1, artifact is barely noticeable.


Can you upload the blend file and stl file these screenshots are from?

Imported STL, overlay face orientation on

same obj but scaled down, no artifacts.

imported STL.blend (879.7 KB) Inner gear-1.STL (59.8 KB)

Looks like textbook z-fighting.

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@init_pixel is right, z-fighting. Not sure how the z-depth is stored internally, but it seems the scaling depends on the view clipping settings. I notice when I increase Clip Start from 0.001 to 0.1 the issue is gone. It also is gone in orthographic view.

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