Stray/hay texture

Hey all,
Can anyone find me a nice stray/hay texture? (I donno how to call it) But I’m making a house and I want a hay roof but at the edge there need to be some straw aswell. I mean a transparent texture… Hope you get what I mean. xD

For some reason I can’t find any xo

Thanks a lot ^^

Like here:


Thats no texture. Thats real objects. :wink:

Wasn’t sure if this is what you want…just something I found.


Lol i know that wasne’t a texture. :stuck_out_tongue:

Those are good, but I want a texture thats partly transparent so that you have some… uhm… donno what to call it but like in the pickture on the edges of the roof. :stuck_out_tongue:

Hope you understand xD

Thanks already man ^^

You could edit one of those images (or another one) to have the strands at the bottom. Make sure it has a transparent background. I quickly edited the image Sunjay03 posted to show you, its very bad quality, so would be best to make your own :stuck_out_tongue: Make sure you save yours as an image format that handles transparency like png.


Yea, oke ill do that.

Thanks u guys :wink: