it turns automatclly to the left when you drive
Now that’s weird, it doesn’t happens to me… o.o
Yeah, it’s weird.
I did that tutorial at, and it doesnt work. I even downloaded the finished version and import EVERYTHING into my level I made and it doesnt work. What am I doing wrong?
i just did that tutorial yesterday for a thing im messing around with (i wouldnt call it a game, and trying to get shaders or something is impossible…)
if you want, send me your file and ill try and see whats wrong?
Ok thanks.
I used the tutorial for my game, it sets up really nice but the physics need an awful lot of tweaking. Also make sure you turn gravity up to the max, unless you want your car to float.
Also, looking at that video, some of those corners look very very sharp. Would be difficult to get around them in the same way you can do with an FPS camera. Good luck!
EDIT: there were two pages. Doh. Anyway, try not to import everything, that’s the easy way around. Instead, really follow the tutorial. You’ll get a much better understanding of how the whole thing works, and it’ll make it much easier to tweak later.
Ok thanks. I mean, I imported the scripts, car, and wheels.
Even in the FInished blend from the tutorial, it works, but when I change the ground it doesnt work. What happened there?
Hmm, I dunno. Do you fancy uploading your .blend and I’ll take a look?
I found out, I import the other level into the car one, that works. But I need help with the camera, it always rotates wrong around curves. I don’t want rotating to much, inless you backup, than it rotates, and it only rotates a little bit on the curves, not so much. Do you get that?
in the camera constraints box in the logic buttons, change Height to 4, Min to 6 , click on the Y and Max to 8. thats what im using and the camera doesnt rotate too violently.
Thanks a million!!!
I have brakelights I want to flash when I hit the down arrow, but if I parent it to the truck it freaks out, and if I join meshes that doesn’t do anything either. How do I make it follow the truck?
Great graphics . . . sorry I can’t help with the guard rails.
Thanks a lot, I’ll upload screenshots of my new level soon.
-The truck freaks because the lights do collitions, make them ghost or on edit mode, unclick the collition button.
-that’s the old alpha sorting problem, sorry dude, no way to solve it, but be happy, the bug fix has been made so let’s keep waiting for version 2.47 ^^
Thanks, I’ll try that.
It’s been fixed? Cause I REALLY Need that normal like. I could make it high polyer and model each stem things, but I’d rather had this.
I updated the first post and added screenshots.
Looks good! The wheels look slightly odd, but maybe that’s just me
I know what you mean.