Stressed out

Hey! This is my first project. Its almost finished, all I need to add is a title screen, credits, background music and sound effects (o.k., a lot.) but I have the animation done. I’m curious to hear people’s opinions on it. Sooo… Just give me your opinion below! I’m only 12, but I still think it looks o.k. I used blender 2.5 and virtualdub. Thanks to 3dementia for telling me about hooks.

Link to video:

Err wtf lol…Stress relief?..
I am not saying that it is bad, just strange… a bunch of balls in a cage throwing each other, but i guess for a first project, nicely done, just for next time think of a better story to tell…well show.

Lol thanks. I actually put the name in wrong, its real name is stressed out(I know, so much better)

In that case you can actually change the name of the thread by advanced editing the first post :wink:

Thanks! does anyone know a good place to get sound effects? --previews are fine to download so no need for an account…imo i think you need an account to download but it is free?


Thanks for the links. I tried google, but for the first time it has failed me… it actually has a story, but I don’t think I represented it well. Do you think I should give them little meeps/grunts with different pitches to help the story?

I got sound effects! still need help with the meep decision…

Thats up to you, try it out both ways and see what is better to you then ask us again

Thanks! I’ll work on that.