String to Curve text sized as the face upon which is instanced?

I’d like to instance a random pick of text strings (from a collection) on a a mesh, while having each of the strings resized to fit the face on which they are instanced.

I’m vaguely assuming that String to Curves node’s text box width and height have to be proportioned on the underlying face, with the added complication that the strings are picked at random.

I’ve no clue how to go about it, or even if it’s possible, since the underlying mesh and the instance have no relation that I can see.

I could maybe separate the faces first, and then instance on the separated face, but there still would be the problem of the text box size, and the rotation of the text to the length of the face…

Any help please?

Not sure is this exactly what you looking for, but here is example fitting text mesh into faces

text_inside_box.blend (156.0 KB)


That’s amazing! Thank you!

With some help and meandering I was going about it by half texturing half instancing single text planes, but your solution is beautiful!

Thank you so much!

It works well!
I’ve just changed the objects to be instanced to text_to_splines nodes, so I can control dynamically the text instanced.

The only thing that I can’t manage to do is translating the instances marginally along the object’s normals, or even extrude them, to make the text more readable: it seems that the Z axis is lost somewhere.

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Its because z scale set to 0 just add 1 to z scale and it should work


Thank you I missed that XD

(It six months since last time I used Blender, it hurts how much I forgot!)