Strong Shapes/ Sharp details in stylized sculpts

So guys,
This is my first post! I started sculpting a couple of weeks ago and I’m starting with some stylized Characters. The problem I’m encountering now is lack of sharp details. What I mean is if you look on the upper lips is not round at all, it’s all jagged while it should be round and sharp. The only way I found is by retopologizing so that I have less control points for the shape.
But on a lot of sculpt I found online also on video tutorials everything is so smooth still so detailed. Is there any technique I should learn to achieve such nice results?
Thank you guys in advance

Hi @antocorr,

Welcome to the Blender community. :slightly_smiling_face: :+1:

Are you already using Dyntopo? That sculpting approach allows you to dynamically reduce and increase detail locally.

Secondly, use the Crease brush (Shift + C) while holding the Control key to create sharp ridges, like at the edge of lips. Increase your brush size to broaden the ridges.

Good luck,


Additive crease with stroke set to smooth to get nice and clean lines. A lot of smooth, and pinch.
For organic stuff this would be the way to go, but on more hard surface things i would recommand retopo (its same approach in zbrush).

Just to be clear, I’m not talking about sharp edges, is more about sharp shapes and by sharp I mean strong shapes. For example on that dog the shapes between the upper lip and the nose, It’s round but If i try to round it using brushes it will still have all the jagged outlines.

Smooth brush and add and smooth and add and smooth. If you notice in a lot of those videos you mention there is a lot of smoothing going on which you barely notice cause holding shift switches automatically to smoothing so there is no brush select seen.