Stubborn sharp edge can't be un-sharpenned in 2.79

There’s a way to get rid of stubborn sharp edges in 2.8 and beyond. I want to know how to do it in 2.79.

The way is by resetting the vectors, as described by Martynas Žiemys in their response to this Stack Exchange post:

Those instructions are for 2.8 and later. I want to know how to do it in 2.79.

There might be some confusing… there are three different things:

  1. edges marked as sharp
  2. edges selected as sharp (with a sharpness angle of…)
  3. geometry data: custom split normals

If the first is unmarked then you (maybe) can find some sharp edges via the Select → Sharp Edges

… and if you have custom normals… then they are there for a reason. And when you don’t want them… Edit Mode: Data Object data → Geometry Data → Clear Custom SplitNormal Data

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Thanks for your help, Okidoki.

Unfortunately, none of those solutions work.

I tried to get Blender to select the sharp edges by means of the Select Sharp option. By adjusting the sharpness value slider, I got Blender to select the problem edges, plus a few other edges that were not a problem. There was no value I could use in the sharpness slider that would select only the problem edges. Well, anyway, with the problem edges and a few other edges selected, I did Clear Sharp. This did not work.

I’ve always known exactly which edges have the problem because my model is simple enough to spot the problem edges instantly when I export the model to .obj for import into Daz Studio and view the model there. Hence I had previously tried selecting the problem edges manually and doing Clear Sharp.

Next I tried manually selecting a few of the problem edges and doing Clear Custom Split Normals. Unfortunately, this did not work.

Other things I have also tried:

Setting the crease value to zero.

Rebuilding the geometry that involves the problem edges.

Checking whether the edges are split using the 3D Printing tab’s Check All function for finding non-manifold/split edges. The check finds no split edges.

Several executions of Remove Doubles.

Looking for clues in the exported .obj file. If I could find and fix the problem vn values, it might do the trick. But I don’t know how to find them or fix them.

Used Make Normals Consistent for faces, edges and verticies.

Moved the model to 3.6 and did what was suggested on the Stack Exchange post.

Rebuilt the model from scratch.

So, I remain vexed by these stubborn sharp edges.

It may be just simpler to talk about this if you provide the part of the model you have problems with… in a blend file so someone can realy look at it…
Because any other talk about stuborn edges… may be futile… ??

It works fine for me.

Yes. Good idea. So here is my file of just the problem model.
AntiGravs Problem.blend (1.5 MB)

Well… you have a 90 degree edge here … what do you expect !?! .

…i guess the others are just more un-sharp because of smooth shading… or you have to use soem beveling…

Actually (nothing but) enabling smooth shading… doesn’t look too awfull… maybe also do this also in the other app ??

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Thanks for investigating this, Okodoki.

Instinctively, it seems weird to me that Blender will regard an edge as sharp when it is 90 degrees or less. By this I mean, that Blender will treat that edge as if I had marked it as sharp, even when I did not mark it as sharp, and such that I cannot “clear” the sharp by any means. I really wish Blender did not do this, or at least give me the option to change that rule.

I don’t really mind if Blender does this while the model is still in Blender. What bothers me is that Blender will mark these edges as sharp when I export the model to .obj. The other app seems to lack a way to clear the sharp as well.

Ironically, I’m considering changing the design of the model such that the edges that keep coming out as sharp will be replaced by much more gradual edges. It has nothing to do with the problem, just a revision in the design for other reasons.


…yours wasn’t smooth shaded… so it will be flat… what you call sharp…

Unfortunately, the smooth shading feature fails to fix the problem.

I tried the “Shade Smooth” feature in the “W” menu.

I tried the “Auto Smooth” with the angle set to 180 so that all angles would be smoothed.

I tried transferring my model into 3.6 and exporting to .obj from there.

None of this worked. Blender continued to mark some edges as sharp during the .obj export no matter the smoothing settings.

I suppose my next step is to file a bug report.

Now I think I was wrong to assume Blender had encoded edge sharpness parameters into the .obj files it exported.

I asked on the Daz Studio forums whether Daz Studio has a feature like Blender’s Auto Smooth. And they told me it does and where to find it. I used it and it fixed the problem.

This is, of course, what Okidoki suggested long ago in this thread when they said: “maybe also do this [smooth shading] also in the other app [Daz Studio]??” I do think I asked the Daz Surio forum about this a month ago, but got no useful reply. But this time when I asked, I did get a useful reply.

So, to help others with their Blender to Daz Studio workflow: the equivalent of Blender’s Auto Smooth checkbox and Angle text box is this: In the “Surfaces” tab are two properties. One is called “Smoothing”, which is an “on / off” button that you set to “on”. Directly below that is the property called “Angle” where you set the angle threshold.