Hi Artists, i will show my first WIP.
The project came from an online course made by an italian teacher for Blender Italia community, i have modelled 90% of what you see.
This is my first time i approach at Blender, and the quarantine is allowing me to spend a lot of time on it.
I have finished the model, except for a few small things that need fixing, and setted the cameras.
Now i’m studiing the lighting.
C&C are really welcome.
Ok, these are the “final” images, i want to do some work with PS before considering them really definitive.
I have several noise problems, despite using 5000 samples.
I have to do more tests using the denoise node, but from the first tests it produced artifacts.
To be honest the reason for these problems goes beyond my current knowledge …
I know broadly what can be the cause of this annoying noise, but at the moment i have no idea how to proceed to fix.
It would be great if someone wanted to propose to analyze my file and help me fix it, i could even pay lol
Hi, here are the final images of my first project in Blender.
I used Blender 2.82 for the whole project, the renderings are 1920 × 1080, 2000 samples, i also worked in post production with PS.
I am quite satisfied, looking at them i see many things that could be improved, both already in Blender and in post, but in the first case the limits of my hardware do not allow me to do tests on tests, useful to make me quickly understood how and where to improve the scenes, in the second i don’t want to waste too much time because i prefer to dedicate myself to another project in order to learn and use this extraordinary program better and better.