Does anyone have a studio lighting setup for blender internal engine to share, like these ones?
It doesn’t even have to be exactly like these ones, just something similar to it.
Does anyone have a studio lighting setup for blender internal engine to share, like these ones?
It doesn’t even have to be exactly like these ones, just something similar to it.
If memory serves me Google; photography 3 - point lighting. In BI use Spots, Area Lights or a combination. Photographers love softboxes and our Area Lights can be pretty much the same. Don’t forget AO and the Environmental settings. As you might know BI Lighting shares much with photography. Also your object here is sitting on a seamless background. That we can make in Blender way quicker and cheaper then a photographer.
Now while I’m not a BI lighting guru, Vicky would be that, I do love to play with studio lighting in Blender Internal. Your example didn’t appear to be three point lighting. But, getting a handle on 3 point lighting will really make BI fun to use. With that thought in mind I used 2 Area Ltgs and 1 Spot here.
Thanks man. You’re of real help