Posting some old finished work here. I wanted to get better at fashion design, architecture, lighting. My focus was with lighting. And I was dabbling with new software beyond this render.
Two different lighting systems, everything else is pretty much the same. What do you think?
Here’s a couple of screenshots. I did some small UI elements elsewhere, put them on in here. My thought process is basically, “how quickly can I do the lighting?”
(cheated SO hard on the rim light in the night version - I was running out of patience so I duplicated the backlight and just chucked it across him quickly)
…straight into Ps and go full ham on the background.
This is also going to be the cover art for my collaborative LP (I make music, too!), so that’s the context on the text (c wut i did thar?)
Anyway, cheers folks. I’d love to hear what you think of all of these. At best, these reflect my stylistic approach, but I’m constantly changing that, too, so waddayaknow, I might do a high key render sometime
Hey guys, thank you so much for the kind words. I wasn’t expecting this at all!
For 001 and 002, it was the UI elements alone, colour correction, and adding a bit more atmosphere. I add quite a lot of subtle lens artifacts that makes it look ‘real’. Sometimes, as you have rightly pointed out, it makes it look stylised. In this case, I wasn’t following a client brief so I stopped when I felt good about the image.
For 003, I basically made a background collage to rougly match the final lighting, adjust the lighting on the character, and then masked everything to get that look, with generous colour correction.
Thanks a lot! Glad you’re liking it.
BRUH nice to see you here. IKR, it’s surreal. Thanks for the kinds words, man.
I never recorded my process for these. They’re almost a year old. But I’m recording my process extensively for my new film: Time Curled Around a Single Hope. You can find timelapses to one scene on my Instagram. I will be posting more timelapses here.
And on a more opinionated note: I don’t feel like I should add to the hundreds of tutorials online. I am convinced you can find guides for pretty much everything you need to look up with better production quality than mine.
Travis Davids is excellent for MarvelousDesigner tutorials. @Spelle is still my go to person for insightful tutorials.
Thought process for bigger projects, however, is something I am very interested in. I want to explore WHY I make the films I do. This is why I’m recording timelapses, not tutorials. At some point after the film is made, I will take the timelapses and speak over the video about my thought process. But that is for next year.